
ManualsCommunication › Using the communication tool

Using the communication tool

This guide requires you to be elevated.

Step 1

Move your mouse to the left side of the screen to show the navigation bar.

Step 1

Step 2

Click "Communication".

Step 2

Step 3

Select the institute you want to message.

Step 3

Step 4

Select the type of category of the people you want to message.

Step 4

Step 5

Now you can select people based on the chosen category type. In this example we select people based on their location. Start by searching and selecting a location.

Step 5

Step 6

After a location is selected the number of recipients changes. You can check the list of recipients by clicking on the "Details" button.

Step 6

Step 7

Below you can edit your message and attach a file. A salutation isn't necessary as this will be added automatically. After finishing the message click on send to send it.

Step 7

Step 8

You can view all the messages you have sent by going to the "Historical communications" tab.

Step 8

Step 9

Here is a list of all the messages you have sent. For every message you can see the recipients and an example of the message by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

Step 9