
ManualsCourses › Course management

Course management

This guide requires you to be elevated.

Certain equipment can require a user to complete a course. This manual describes how to manage to such a course.

Step 1

Move your mouse to the left side of the screen to show the navigation bar.

Step 1

Step 2

Click "Institute".

Step 2

Step 3

Click "Courses".

Step 3

Step 4

On this page new courses can be added to an institute. Click on "Add course" to add a course for the current institute.

Step 4

Step 5

Now, a popup is shown that needs to be filled in for the new course. All fields that have a star are required to be filled in. First, set a name for the course.

Step 5

Step 6

Also fill in an appropriate description.

Step 6

Step 7

Choose an instructor for the course.

Step 7

Step 8

Every course needs to have a first edition set, this determines if changes in the course content have been made.

Step 8

Step 9

Select an appropriate date in the popover.

Step 9

Step 10

If the course has a certain validity, this can also be set in this view. There is also the possibility to set a notification period: this is the amount of time before the course expired that the user receives a notification about this expiration date. The two options under that, "Lab validity period" and "Reservation validity period" offer more options for course expiration. To now save the newly created course, click "Save".

Step 10

Step 11

Click on "Ok" in the confirmation dialog.

Step 11

Step 12

There are several options that can be used to manage courses. To manage the students in a certain course, click "Manage students".

Step 12

Step 13

In this page, there are three different tabs. The first tab shows all pending requests for entering the course. To add a new request to this course, click "Add request" and search for a potential student. To be able to do something with such a request, we have to select one or all of them. Click on the checkbox.

Step 13

Step 14

Now we are able to handle the request using the button "Select action". One of the actions is to deny a request. We can also create a course group to be able to plan a training for the students, and to register a result.

Step 14

Step 15

We start with creating a course group.

Step 15

Step 16

In this view you can plan a new training. Besides the students you have just selected, others can be added here as well. We can also select a course instructor.

Step 16

Step 17

When we have selected a course instructor, we can also add course times.

Step 17

Step 18

Here we can select the times at which the students can attend this course.

Step 18

Step 19

Now click "Add" to add the newly-created course group.

Step 19

Step 20

Click "Ok".

Step 20

Step 21

To see the newly planned course group, we can click on "Planning".

Step 21

Step 22

On this page, we can seen information about all course groups as well as edit the information associated with the course groups. We can also plan new trainings using "Plan new training"

Step 22

Step 23

The last tab is "Results".

Step 23

Step 24

This page is used to view all users that have passed the course, and if necessary, revoke their course results. Before we can do anything on this page, students need to have registered results for a certain course. These can be added using "Add result".

Step 24

Step 25

In this view, we can select a student and set whether they have passed the course. There are also tabs that enable us to set the equipment access that was associated with this course.

Step 25