Manuals › Institute › Configure terms and conditions
Configure terms and conditions
This guide requires you to be elevated.
Step 1
To add new terms and conditions click on the "Add" button.
Step 2
Fill in a title, when the terms should take effect, and the contents of the terms/conditions. Click on "Add" to save these terms. IMPORTANT: The contents cannot be edited after saving.
Step 3
To see the contents of the terms and what the percentage is of people that already accepted them click on "Info".
Step 4
To edit the time that the terms should take effect or edit the title, click on the "Edit" button.
Step 5
See here that the contents cannot be edited anymore but the title and the date can still be edited.
Step 6
To delete terms/conditions click the "Delete" button. Both terms that are already in place and future terms can be deleted.