
ManualsProcess Flow › Process flow composer

Process flow composer

This module can be used to document process flows that are executed in the cleanroom: when defined, batches can be linked with the flow to track their progress during the flow. With the composer, you can fully design your own process flow either from scratch, or you can re-use steps and even other flows from your own library or the institute library when made available.

Step 1

Navigate to the flow overview page, "Flows" under "Process flow" in the side menu.

Step 1

Step 2

Here you can search in your flows and flows that have been shared with you. It is possible to edit existing flows when your rights allow, or you can create a new flow.

Step 2

Step 3

When editing or creating a new flow, you will be presented with the following screen. The first tab allows you to enter general information regarding this flow.

Step 3

Step 4

The second tabs allows you to edit the flow elements: the green circle indicates the start of the current flow view, with the red one denoting the end. Click the insert element button to insert your first element.

Step 4

Step 5

You can choose which type of element you want to insert, such as references to a existing step or flow, but also a simple step with only some text. Add it by clicking add.

Step 5

Step 6

THe map can be controlled with your mouse: scrolling acts as zoom, click and drag to move around. You can hover a particular element to see the possible interactions with that element. To move an element around you can click and drag their headers. It is also possible to use the minimap in the bottom right to quickly navigate larger flows.

Step 6

Step 7

By holding the shift or control button before dragging the mouse, you can select multiple elements to interaction with them.

Step 7

Step 8

Save your new flow by clicking the save button.

Step 8

Step 9

The save screen provides with option relevant to your flow. Because this is a new flow, the options are limited.

Step 9

Step 10

When you are editing an existing flow, you get some more options related to the versioning of the flow.

Step 10

Step 11

Note that you can edit the access rights for the flow by clicking the edit rights button. The flow needs to be saved at least once before this button becomes active.

Step 11